Cancer Care

A diagnosis of cancer can leave you feeling frightened, uncertain, and powerless. If you or a loved one is facing cancer, there is hope. There are more treatments available now than ever before to cure cancer or slow it from spreading and relieving its symptoms. Acupuncture can safely be used to naturally support your body and mind as you undergo standard medical cancer therapies like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy (immunotherapy) or surgery. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of conditions. Since acupuncture has few side effects, it can be safely used as a complemental to conventional cancer treatments. In fact, acupuncture is often recommended as a way to ease the side effects like nausea, vomiting, fatigue and pain. Acupuncture can also help relieve stress depression, and anxiety, treating the person and not just the disease.


In the World Health Organization’s (WHO) landmark study “Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials” made the following statement with regards to acupuncture and the treatment of cancer care: 

“No controlled study has been reported on the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of cancer itself. However, acupuncture still has uses in cancer treatments. One is to relieve cancer pain, and the other is to control the adverse reactions to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. For cancer pain, it has been reported that acupuncture provided and immediate analgesic effect similar to that of codeine and pethidine, with a more marked effect after use for two months. The effect was comparable with that achieved using the analgesic steps recommended by WHO. For radiotherapy and chemotherapy, acupuncture can greatly lessen the adverse reactions in the digestive and nervous systems, as well as providing protection against damage to haematopoiesis.” 

At Eastern Shore Acupuncture we believe in treating the person and not just the disease. Our whole-body approach is not only geared towards relieving side effects and getting the most from conventional treatment, but considers your lifestyle, emotional state and overall health – helping you to live a healthier life. Your whole being will be taken into account, not just the cancer. If you have further questions or would like to discuss your health concerns with our acupuncturist, please feel free to call or email for an initial consultation.